Volume 2, Issue 1, No.1 PDF DOWNLOAD
  • Title:
  • Catholic religion from a scientific perspective, and the necessary training for a 21st century teacher
  • Author:

    Ángel Fernández Aguilar

  • Author Affiliation:

    Instituto de Educación Secundaria Miraya del Mar, Málaga, Spain

  • Received:Mar.18, 2024
  • Accepted:Apr.7, 2024
  • Published:Apr.23, 2024

Since Modernity, science and religion have needed to agree on how reality can be known, in the light of current scientific advances. From the perspective of the 21st century, a change of curriculum in the subject of Religion seems necessary in order to come to understand the long road traveled and unknown by both fields of thought, in spite of saving hard crises. Now that the CEE (Spanish Episcopal Conference), has raised and invited to reflect on a change of curriculum in this subject according to the new legislation LOMLOE (Organic Law on Education); this chapter is an invitation, which comes from a personal practice and research that appears as a reconsideration on the current thinking in the West, the School and School Religious Education, in an attempt to offer new ways from an ERE class based on the dialogue between science and religion, to a distant, indifferent and contemporary student body.


ERE teacher training, science-religion debate, contemporary sociology, contemporary philosophy, current scientific issues.


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