- Title: Advances in Structural Mechanics
- ISSN (E): 2833-0846
- Frequency: Semiyearly
- Language: English
- Article types: Original Research, Review, Perspective, Commentary, Notes, Editorials, Book Reviews
- Contact Email: asm@sandermanpub.com
Aims and Scope
Advances in Structure Mechanics is an international journal publishing reviews, original research contributions,
short communications and other types of paper. The scientific community is encouraged to submit the details of
both their experimental and theoretical results of any length to the journal. It provides a forum for publishing papers
which advance the in-depth understanding of structure mechanics. The topics covered by Advances in Structure Mechanics include but are not restricted to: aerodynamics; aerospace engineering; analytical mechanics;
bio-mechanics; civil engineering; computer methods; contact mechanics;damage detection and assessment;
damage mechanics; damage modelling; dynamics; elasticity; fatigue of materials; finite element analysis; fluid
dynamics; fracture mechanics; heat transfer in solids; hydrodynamic; hydrostatics; kinematics; material mechanics.