Big Data & Health Care

- Title: Big Data & Health Care
- ISSN (E): 2833-6003
- Frequency: Semiyearly
- Language: English
- Article types: Original Research, Case Report, Review, Clinical Rrial, Editorials
- Contact Email:
Current Issue
1. Unknown neurodegenerative disease in neonate |
Оlena Kostiuk1, Ielyzaveta
Shunko1, Larysa Nikonova2, Valeria Tyshkevych3, Оlena Baranovska3, Аndriy Trokhymenko3 |
2. Perceptions and self-care motivation among people with hypertension in Belu, East Nusa Tenggara |
Almindu Leki
Berek1, 2, *, Bambang Budi Siswanto3, Dewi Irawaty4,
Wisnu Jatmiko5 |
3. Evaluation of interleukin -1 alpha, lipase and vitamin D3 in patients with giardiasis |
Fatima Assad Baker Al-musawy, Murtada Hafedh Hussein |
4. Skeletal effects of soy isoflavone in humans: bone mineral density and bone markers |
Rehan Haider |
5. History of use of traditional herbal medicines |
Rehan Haider |