Journal of Computer Methods in Civil Engineering

- Title: Journal of Computer Methods in Civil Engineering
- ISSN (E): 2832-9104
- Frequency: Semiyearly
- Language: English
- Article types: Original Research, Review, Perspective, Commentary, Notes, Editorials, Book Reviews
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The journal's Article Processing Charges for authors from middle and high-income Countries is 200 USD. For authors come from low-income countries, Article Processing Charge is 120 USD.
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About the Journal
Aims and Scope
Journal of Computer Methods in Civil Engineering is an international journal that publishes academic articles in the application of computer methods in civil engineering, focusing on the problems arising in civil engineering that can be solved through advanced mathematical modeling, simulation and numerical analysis on the basis of mechanics, mathematics, computer science and other relevant scientific disciplines.
The topics covered by Journal of Computer Methods in Civil Engineering include but are not restricted to: nonlinear structural analysis; continuum mechanics and mechanics of materials; biomechanics; advanced structural analysis; finite elements in fluids and solids; multiscale techniques; parallel computing methods; solid and structural mechanics; fluid mechanics; mechanics of materials; heat transfer; dynamics; geomechanics; acoustics.
The targeted readers of the journal are global professionals engaged in the research and application of computer methods in the field of civil engineering.