- Title: Security and Management in Modern Civil Engineering
- ISSN (E): 2833-0137
- Frequency: Semiyearly
- Language: English
- Article types: Original Research, Review, Perspective, Commentary, Notes, Editorials, Book Reviews
- Contact Email: smmce@sandermanpub.com
- News:
The journal's Article Processing Charges for authors from middle and high-income Countries is 200 USD. For authors come from low-income countries, Article Processing Charge is 120 USD.
Security and Management in Modern Civil Engineering is an international journal that publishes all types of academic articles including original research articles, reviews, newsletters, communications, etc., reporting cutting-edge theoretical achievements and experimental results within the field.
The journal is committed to promoting the security level and management efficiency of civil engineering from a multi-disciplinary perspective, covering the studies in economics, finance, organization, management, as well as engineering and technology.
The publishing scope of Security and Management in Modern Civil Engineering includes but is not restricted to: urban and rural construction; real estate industry; cost management; project management; urban economy and management; management forum; civil engineering; security engineering, etc.
The targeted readers are research and industrial professionals engaged in civil engineering globally.