- Title: Society and Psychology Researches
- ISSN (E): 2994-2438
- Frequency: Semiyearly
- Language: English
- Article types: Original Research, Review, Perspective, Commentary, Notes, Editorials, Book Reviews
- Contact Email: editor_tracy@sandermanpub.com
Society and Psychology Researches is a semiyearly peer-reviewed and open access journal, which aims to which aims to promote the theory and practice of psychological and social sciences. The journal welcomes submissions that center social psychology, but is especially interested in submissions that demonstrate the ways in which these fields connect to other disciplines, both within psychology, and beyond to disciplines in the social sciences, humanities, arts, medicine, nursing, education, and life sciences. The journal is designed to serve researchers, scholars and practitioners and others interested in state-of-the art research activities in psychological and social sciences. The topics related to this journal include but are not limited to: Social Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Cultural Psychology, Economic Psychology, Educational Psychology, Environmental Psychology, Ethics in Psychology, Health Psychology, Industrial and Personnel Psychology, Managerial and Leadership Psychology, Psychology of Religion, Psychotherapy, School Psychology, Sport Psychology, Cognitive Science, Cognitive Neuroscience, Self-regulation, Personality traits and processes, Reverse psychology, Moral psychology, Psycholinguistics, Psychophysics, Community psychology, Consumer psychology, Human factors psychology, Industrial psychology, Organizational psychology, Occupational psychology, Occupational health psychology, Psychoneuroimmunology, Organization theory, Social neuroscience, Anthropology, Organizational behavior, Organization studies, Sociology, Ethnicity, Applied anthropology