Volume 1, Issue 1, No. 4 PDF DOWNLOAD
  • Title:
  • Combination application of FWD with GPR in the detection and evaluation of airport pavement
  • Author:

    Jixiang Su, Yan Liu, Daoxun Ma

  • Author Affiliation:

    China Airport Construction Group Corporation of CACC, Beijing Super-Creative Technology Co., LTD, Beijing, Chin

  • Received:Apr.24, 2022
  • Accepted:Jun.17, 2022
  • Published:Jun.25, 2022

This paper mainly through the falling weight deflectometer (FWD) with ground penetrating radar (GPR) combined application way for two kinds of detection means, combined the quality safety inspection and evaluation of pavement with three typical airports, an application example of the sums up two main nondestructive pavement testing equipment composite application advantages and complement each other, both to provide technical reference and draw lessons from for pavement testing, but also for the management and development of the airport and industry provide the basis for evaluation and decision basis.


Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD), Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), Pavement testing and evaluation, Nondestructive testing


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