Pioneer Journal of Business and Management

- Title: Pioneer Journal of Business and Management
- ISSN (E): 2993-7841
- Frequency: Semiyearly
- Language: English
- Article types: Original Research, Review, Perspective, Commentary, Notes, Editorials, Book Reviews
- Contact Email:
Current Issue
1. Working environment and employee performance in Chinese service firms: an analysis of hotels and tourism companies |
Syed Ahtsham Ali, Weihua Yin* |
2. Environmental implications of residential to commercial land use succession on formal housing stock: A conceptual analysis |
Temitope Makinde1*, Olusola Oladapo Makinde2, Timothy
Tunde Oladokun3 |
3. Environmental factors distress housing development in nigeria and other regions of the world |
Olusola Oladapo Makinde*1, Odunola Olayinka Onigbogi1, Olubukunmi Temitope
Makinde2, Olabode Oludayo Akangbe1 |