Security and Management in Modern Civil Engineering

- Title: Security and Management in Modern Civil Engineering
- ISSN (E): 2833-0137
- Frequency: Semiyearly
- Language: English
- Article types: Original Research, Review, Perspective, Commentary, Notes, Editorials, Book Reviews
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The journal's Article Processing Charges for authors from middle and high-income Countries is 200 USD. For authors come from low-income countries, Article Processing Charge is 120 USD.
Current Issue
1. A review of the sustainable drainage technics suitable for paved roads in the tropical area: the case of Douala city |
Abanda Well Victorien Bienvenu |
2. Mechanical, physical and environmental performance of sustainable concrete containing marble wastes |
Mohammed Khattab1, *, Oday Jaradat1,
Samya Hachemi1, Hisham Suleiman2, Hicham Benzetta3 |