
- Title: Tele-Education
- ISSN (E): 2834-3840
- Frequency: Semiyearly
- Language: English
- Article types: Original Research, Review, Perspective, Commentary, Notes, Editorials, Book Reviews
- Contact
Current Issue
1. Exploration and practice of the run-through cultivation mode for high-end technical and skilled talents---Taking Beijing university of information technology as an example |
Xuefeng Bai1,
Pei Li2 |
2. Generation grouping according to Beresfod research and intensity of use of language-games in global communications using English |
Thoriqul Huda1,
Endro Tri Susdarwono2 |
3. Graphic design in special school: a new didactic proposal for students with intellectual and cognitive disabilities |
Diego Bernaschina |
4. Conflict over human learning and machine learning in media arts |
Diego Bernaschina |
5. Models of Disability and Inclusive Education |
Kiran Chalise |